Linda “taking a break” during her week as a Coffee Roaster
In 2013, Linda Chase, an energetic 59-year-old from Portland, Oregon, completed her take on the One-Week Job project working 52 jobs in 52 weeks.
After raising her two children, working a variety of jobs, being unemployed and underemployed (despite being highly educated), seeing long-held dreams slip away, and losing her life partner to brain cancer, she began wondering, “Now who am I? And where do I go from here?”
As she approached the age of 60, despite having amassed many valuable life and professional skills, she was beginning to feel somewhat diminished, less confident and less relevant.
She shared her story with Sean Aiken when they were seated next to each other on an airplane and by the time the plane landed, Linda was ready to embark on her own One Week Job journey.
I don’t profess to have all the answers, but in finding the courage to reveal my vulnerabilities and to share my story openly and honestly, I hope to create a safe space to have this conversation and to inspire the millions of other Americans who can relate to my story. - Linda Chase
Now a feature length documentary!
Directed by Jason de Parrie-Turner.
Available on demand streaming or download for only $5.99. Click on the play button in the top right of the video player.
Linda’s story is one that is shared by many – empty nest parents who sidetracked their career to raise a family, those starting over after a divorce, or recently laid off, or retired.
Today, many baby boomers are very active and want to get involved to make a difference. At the same time they may also be faced with ageism, the difficulty of reconciling past dreams that are no longer possible, finding the strength to create new ones, and summoning the courage to pursue them.
It’s an important conversation and a transition that currently many feel they must face alone. Linda’s courage to be vulnerable and to share her journey brings inspiration to all those who find themselves a little bit older with well earned life experience, and who refuse to believe that the best part of their life is behind them. As Linda says, “It’s never too late!”